Become part of the team

Help Stocktwits bring our online community to your local community!

Become a Stocktwits Community Ambassador. We are looking for engaged Stocktwits users, with a passion for building community and discussing markets, to organize Stocktwits-funded local meetups around the US.

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Represent Stocktwits in your local community!

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Your role as a Community Ambassador will be to organize meetup events for in-person networking and investment discussions in your local community. Stockwits will provide funding, swag and a network of other Community Ambassadors to support your events.

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Why become a Community Ambassador?

Join the Stocktwits Team

You will meet regularly with the Stocktwits team and have special access to upcoming releases, national Stocktwits events, and more!

Share your passions

Community Ambassadors share their passion of Stocktwits and the market with eager audiences who want to connect in a bar, coffee shop or other offline venue.

We’ve got you covered

You find the place. You bring the people. We’ll do the rest. We are committed to supporting your efforts by footing the bill for your events and providing swag for you and your guests.

How do I get started?

Apply to become a Community Ambassador

Introduce yourself and provide information on why you think you’ll make a good fit.

Access our Community Ambassador Resources

You’ll work closely with our team to establish a group page and provide information for attendees. We’ll provide you with guidance on how to coordinate your events and how to get started.

Meet other Community Ambassadors

In addition to working closely with the Stocktwits team to create engaging in-person events, we’ll provide access to other Community Ambassadors to share ideas, tips and inspiration.

Start hosting!

Your events will be published through and will be promoted and linked to from Stocktwits. Users across Stocktwits will be given information regarding how and when they can attend events near them.

Meet our Community Ambassadors!

Join our team and start hosting events in your community!

Apply now

Get started now as a Community Ambassador.

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